
Liam Neeson Movies

Liam Neeson Movie List

Liam Neeson is a versatile actor known for his powerful performances in a variety of genres. Here is a list of his top movies categorized by genre.

Action Movies

Liam Neeson has become an action movie icon in recent years, thanks to his roles in films like “Taken” and “Non-Stop.” Here are some of his best action movies:

  • “Taken” (2008): In this thriller, Neeson plays a former CIA agent who travels to Paris to rescue his daughter from human traffickers.
  • “The Grey” (2011): In this survival drama, Neeson plays a man stranded in the Alaskan wilderness after a plane crash.
  • “Run All Night” (2015): Neeson plays a former hitman who must protect his son from the mob after he witnesses a murder.

Drama Movies

Neeson has also starred in many dramatic films throughout his career. Here are some of his most notable performances:

  • “Schindler’s List” (1993): In this historical drama, Neeson plays Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand Jewish refugees during the Holocaust.
  • “Michael Collins” (1996): In this biographical drama, Neeson plays the Irish revolutionary leader who fought for his country’s independence from Britain.
  • “Kinsey” (2004): In this biographical drama, Neeson plays Alfred Kinsey, a pioneering sex researcher who challenged conservative attitudes towards sexuality in the 1940s and 1950s.

Comedy Movies

While Neeson is best known for his dramatic roles, he has also shown his comedic chops in a few films. Here are some of his funniest performances:

  • “Love Actually” (2003): In this romantic comedy, Neeson plays a recent widower who helps his stepson navigate his first crush.
  • “The Lego Movie” (2014): In this animated comedy, Neeson provides the voice of Good Cop/Bad Cop, a conflicted police officer in the Lego universe.
  • “Ted 2” (2015): In this raunchy comedy, Neeson has a cameo as himself, trying to buy a box of Trix cereal.

Liam Neeson Wife

Liam Neeson was married to actress Natasha Richardson from 1994 until her tragic death in 2009. The couple met while working on the film “Nell” in 1992 and fell in love while filming in Australia. They were married in a private ceremony in New York City in July 1994.

Liam Neeson New Movie

Liam Neeson is a prolific actor who has starred in numerous blockbuster movies over the years. He is known for his action-packed roles and his ability to deliver powerful performances. Neeson’s latest movie is “Retribution,” which is set to be released soon.

Retribution” is an action thriller movie directed by Mark Williams. The movie follows the story of a retired special forces soldier who is forced to take on a group of criminals after they kidnap his daughter. The supporting cast of “Retribution” includes Noma Dumezweni, Lilly Aspell, Jack Champion, Embeth Davidtz, and Matthew Modine.

Liam Neeson

Liam Neeson Net Worth

Liam Neeson is a highly successful actor with an impressive net worth. As of September 2023, his estimated net worth is $145 million, according to Wealthy Gorilla.

Neeson’s net worth is attributed to his long and successful career in Hollywood. He has starred in numerous films that have been both critically acclaimed and financially successful. Some of his highest-grossing films include the Taken franchise, The Dark Knight Rises, and Clash of the Titans.

Liam Neeson Star Wars

Liam Neeson played the role of Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. Qui-Gon Jinn was a wise and experienced Jedi who discovered Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and believed him to be the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force.

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