“Cat Person” is a 2023 drama thriller film directed by Susanna Fogel and is based on the viral short story of the same name by Kristen Roupenian. The film stars Emilia Jones as Margot, a college sophomore who goes on a date with an older man named Robert, played by Nicholas Braun. Margot finds that the real-life Robert doesn’t live up to the Robert she has been flirting with over texts.
The film explores themes of consent, power dynamics, and gender roles in modern dating. It delves into the complexities of online dating and how people can present themselves differently in virtual spaces compared to real-life interactions. The story has resonated with many people, particularly women, who have experienced similar situations in their own lives.
“Cat Person” has generated a lot of buzz since its release, with many people praising the film for its nuanced portrayal of modern relationships. However, some have criticized the film for its portrayal of men and its handling of sensitive topics. Regardless of one’s opinion, “Cat Person” has sparked important conversations about consent and the complexities of dating in the digital age.
Cat Person 2023 Plot
“Cat Person” is a drama-thriller film directed by Susanna Fogel and written by Michelle Ashford and Kristen Roupenian. The movie is based on Roupenian’s viral short story of the same name, published in The New Yorker in 2017.
The story follows Margot, a college sophomore who goes on a date with an older man named Robert. Margot has been flirting with Robert over texts and has built up an image of him in her mind. However, when they meet in person, Robert does not live up to Margot’s expectations, and the date takes a dark turn.
The film is a razor-sharp exploration of the horrors of dating and the power dynamics that exist between men and women. It delves into the complexities of modern relationships and the pressures that young women face in today’s society.
The movie stars Emilia Jones as Margot and Nicholas Braun as Robert. Jones delivers a powerful performance as a young woman struggling to navigate the murky waters of dating, while Braun brings a chilling intensity to his portrayal of Robert.
Cat Person – Official Trailer (2023) Emilia Jones, Nicholas Braun, Thriller Movie pic.twitter.com/on9gU0QU4q
— Movie Coverage (@MovieCoverage_) August 24, 2023
CAT PERSON, starring Emilia Jones and Nicholas Braun, opens tomorrow @IFCCenter and @laemmle!
Official selection – Sundance Film Festival 2023
Based on the @NewYorker short storyhttps://t.co/Rnr3TsUxhz pic.twitter.com/ApOtfWWh6N
— Rialto Pictures (@RialtoPictures) October 5, 2023
Movie Cast
Emilia Jones as Margot
Nicholas Braun as Robert
Geraldine Viswanathan as Taylor
Isabella Rossellini as Dr. Enid Zabala
Hope Davis as Kelly
Fred Melamed as Dr. Resnick
Christopher Shyer as Ernie
Liza Koshy as Beth
Josh Andrés Rivera as Dave
Isaac Cole Powell as Clay
Liza Colón-Zayas as Officer Elaine
Michael Gandolfini as Peter
Release Date and Platform
“Cat Person,” the highly anticipated film adaptation of Kristen Roupenian’s viral short story, is set to release on October 6, 2023. The film is directed by Susanna Fogel and distributed by Netflix.
Trailer Insights
The trailer for “Cat Person” was released on YouTube and other social media platforms on September 15, 2023, and has generated a lot of buzz among movie enthusiasts and fans of the original short story.
Directed by Susanna Fogel and starring Emilia Jones and Geraldine Viswanathan, the trailer provides a glimpse into the story’s intense and complex themes.
The trailer starts with a shot of Margot, the protagonist, sitting in a café with her friends, discussing her upcoming date with Robert. The trailer then cuts to Margot and Robert’s date, where things take a dark turn.
The trailer hints at the psychological thriller elements of the movie, with unsettling music and shots of Margot looking scared and uncomfortable.